How to De-Stress during Coronavirus Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading more and more widely, a lot of schools and business are closed for “social distancing.” Amid this global infectious disease impact, what are some ways that we can mange our anxiety?

Stay informed, not overwhelmed. There is a fine line between having enough and too much about news. Yes, we should stay informed the disease development, but controlling our news exposure can also dial down unnecessary stress that can keep us awake at night and reduced productivity.

Still follow a routine. It is easy to slip into an unordered lifestyle if working at home. To stay calm we can still follow a regular routine. We should still take regular meal breaks and get enough sleep. Exercising regularly and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables help a lot.

Keep up with small talks Yes, small talks, such as pop cultures, instead of always talking about those serious topics, can also help. Because instead of exchange and augmenting each other’s worries and concerns, those light topics can elevate our mood and shift our focus to more positive side of life.

We all work hard to keep healthy by staying away from COVID-19, but meanwhile quelling anxiety is also important. Staying calm is an indirect way to fight off virus.



  1. Stieg (2020)